5 Best mountain hikes in Indonesia


5 Best mountain hikes in Indonesia with the most stunning views, must try !

Craters, lakes, and superb cliffside sunrises, oh my! Put on your best hiking shoes, we’re about to let you in on the most scenic mountain hikes in Indonesia. Time to stretch those hamstrings! 


The Ijen Crater is famous for its mesmerizing blue flame phenomenon, turquoise-hued volcanic lake, and breathtaking sunrise views. The hike is demanding for anyone looking to witness the unique blue flames that lick across the mountain’s sulphuric surface. Why? Two reasons. First, you need to do this hike at night by torchlight, which makes the rocky trail a little harder to navigate. Second, you’ll need to rent or bring your own protective gas mask as the terrain you tackle spews forth unpredictable plumes of sulfur smoke. Of course, believe us when we say the geothermal inferno of electric-blue flames makes for a very surreal and eye-popping reward, worth the effort if you’re a thrill-seeker! And, as a bonus, the view of the lake at the summit of your climb is also an otherworldly experience to enjoy.


One of Java’s most iconic peaks, Mount Bromo offers sweeping views of the surrounding Tengger massif, which encompass a complex series of active volcanoes that stretch across the terrain. Mount Bromo’s status as one of Indonesia’s more active volcanoes doesn’t deter visitors from making a visit — it remains one of the country’s most frequently-hiked mountains due to how easy it is to get to the top. In fact, reaching Bromo’s summit can be almost effortless if you choose to rent a jeep to arrive at the dusty valley floor, then make the 30-minute trek to the smoking crater. You can shorten the hike further by arranging a horseback ride across the sandy slope towards the crater. For this reason, Mount Bromo makes for a great beginner-level adventure with very little energy involved. Just remember this is a popular hiking area, so avoid peak season and go when the crowds are thinner!



Looking for the best sunrise views in Bali? Mount Batur, located north of the island, is your ultimate destination. If you’re up for the two-hour dawn hike, this is an incredibly picturesque spot to watch the sun wash the lush Bali landscape in a beautiful golden glow. From up here, you’ll also be rewarded with panoramic views of verdant forest-covered hills stretching out in front of you, shrouded in a glorious layer of mist if you’re lucky! Make your trek early to account for the two-hour climb, so you can reach the top before the sunrise to catch the perfect moment the sun peeks over the horizon. It gets incredibly crowded during peak season, so we recommend signing up for an overnight camping tour to beat the rush and be first in line to the summit!

Do note that Bali has a heavy monsoon season, which may make dampen your hike — it’s best to attempt this hike between April and October during the dry season.


The island of Lombok is home to the second-tallest volcano in Indonesia: Mount Rinjani. At an exhilarating 3,726 meters tall, this grand mountain boasts a caldera 50 square kilometers wide with a scenic crescent-shaped Segara Anak lake sitting pretty inside the crater. Considered one of the greatest mountain hikes in Indonesia, it boasts incredible views and a long climb that is equal parts challenging and beautiful. There are multiple trails that take you to the crater rim — opting for a multi-day hike will offer the best experience that includes village visits and cooling waterfalls along the way. Not up for several days of exploration? A more direct route will get you to the crater rim after about six to seven hours of hiking. Be prepared for sandy terrain, which may make the steep incline difficult.


The island of Flores is where you will find Kelimutu National Park. Many travel to this park to see the famous tri-colored volcanic lakes, the waters of which change color depending on the season and the time of day. The hike up to the viewpoint to catch the magnificent view of the trio of lakes and its palette of green, blue, and red isn’t a tough one, with its variety of easy and intermediate hiking trails making it highly accessible. Hiking enthusiasts can start their journey from the village of Moni (the nearest of homestays and lodges are about 6 kilometers from the Kelimutu viewpoint), starting in the early hours of the morning and culminating in the sunrise view at the mountain. Be aware that a large population of monkeys live on Kelimutu, so hang onto your bags and keep those snacks out of view!

That is beautyfull mount of Indonesia, may you try it.

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